Special Date and Time! Two-Part Biotech-Talk Focuses On dPCR – Tuesday, May 16th

UWBC is hosting a special two-part, in-person Biotech Talk + Workshop featuring the Thermo Fisher Absolute Q Digital PCR machine. On May 16th at 10:00 AM, our BioTech Talk will discuss the dPCR advantages and easy Absolute Q workflow followed by a successful case study from the Advanced Genome Editing Facility. Information will be provided during the tech talk to successfully plan an 8 sample dPCR experiment to be performed at the Workshop at 11:15 AM on the same day. Workshop participants will need only to purify DNA and order primers, Thermo Fisher will offer onsite technical assistance and reagents at the workshop. Can’t make it in person? Register for the Zoom!

Zoom registration: https://go.wisc.edu/b50t6j

RSVP for lunch after the seminar and/or the dPCR Workshop (May 31, June1) to run up to six free samples on the Absolute Q dPCR at the BioGarage: Lennie.bane@thermofisher.com